Thursday, July 23, 2015


And I am having a hot flash as I type and just pulled a chopstick out of the kitchen drawer to get my hair off my neck. I understand why woman cut their hair off as we mature...why does it start at the back of the neck?! Anyway. This thing called Menopause; The definition is the ending of your cycle. That's it, that is all it says. For real. Oh my goodness and I don't even know where to begin. One thing I know for sure is I get why my mom was the way she was. Kinda crazy.

Night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety, memory loss, short temper, emotional, indecisive, weight gain, metabolism slows down, sex drive slows down, and on and on. Oh and our kids are going through puberty also. I am glad I have boys. No one can really warn you about what you are going to go through and it just starts to happen, maybe you start with night sweats, then you have some anxiety. A Little crabby here and their you think nothing of it..PMS you blame it on, Then it comes more often, having a hard time being around a lot of people? Wake up at 3 AM almost every night and can not fall back to sleep? Does everything your partner does drive you crazy? Do you the craziest times?! seriously. OMG Windows rolled down in the middle of winter.

We do have to give some applause to the people in our lives that are around us all the time. The hormone struggle, to do it natural or to break down and get some hormones. I did my Perimenopause all natural, I just went into to Menopause in January. Only 48 and full on Menopause, sheez. I may have to break down and ask for help. It may save someones life, lol!!

So here is what I have learned. Drinking in moderation is best, cutting out a lot of sugar helps, exercise keeps you feeling better about eveything, especially because for some their can be weight gain. Meditaion has really helped with the anxiety. I think that has been the hardest thing for me. Remember my sweet friends if you need something to move you through this ask, that has also been hard for me. I am not a pill taker, part of the anxiety, but I would rather not be miserable anymore. Until next time. Much love

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