Thursday, May 28, 2015

Timing is everything.

As I begin my morning I am faced with the cinnamon rolls that my son picked out at the store staring at me, or the oatmeal with blueberries and coconut milk. The difference bertween your 20's and 40's. Of course I picked the rolls...JK. So, timing...ahh yes, I was right where I suppose to be. Now I dont know about you, but coming off a divorce is like standing in Grand Central station, right in the middle, not moving. So I went back to what I knew, my actions before I got married. It was to much to think about. Especially with kids. Oh man, the hardest part.

So this online dating thing was quite a distraction for me. Just what the doctor ordered. haha. Not really, but you do what you gotta do, right. Those of you reading who have been my clients for a long time probably could vouch for this next part. The dates I would go on, in my mind, I would think, ok this might be it. Dating in your 40's is definitely a bit different then your 20's, or dating guys in their 20's :) I will just leave that alone...for now. I had my share of testing out all the different sites. So many people looking for love. Key word looking. There was actually one guy who had a cut and paste, I would call it a resume, he would email out. In it was his family history detailed right down to their health background. He was not from here,(had my share of those) So he had a mile radius that he would fly because the tickets were under 300.00. For real. You know I had some really great encounters with some really amazing men. To this day are still in my life, you know who you are!

I think for me the whole process of looking has changed. I have to stop looking. Friends have said the word  "organic" naturally or giving it up. It took me 5 years to realize that maybe now I am ready. So many things to reflect on after something ends. Death, a marriage, business. Their was a lot of closure to deal with. The stories I have from all the dates are very colorful. I look forward to sharing a few.

I would like to close today with something that I experienced on Monday with my oldest son. He is on a very spirtual journey right now, which if you know me I embrace because God is my center. On Monday we went to Boulder and sat on Pearl Street mall, doing Kirtan with the Devotees of the Khrisnas. AS I am sitting there, in the middle of Pearl St., shaking my instrument and watching people walk by, some joining us and dancing, some looking at us like I looked at them in the 70's. My main thought was social media, as they are taking pictures and video, this is going to end up on Facebook. Lol, I came away with a lot with this experience. We are all LOOKING for something, just make sure you are looking within also. Don't believe eveything your mind tells you. Until tomorrow. Much love.

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