Friday, May 29, 2015


When do you get to a point where you are just tired of it? Dating that is. It is a personal thing. The game, the chase. It all becomes so confusing. Well I had this really great conversation with one of my clients today, 21 and so wise. We all have values, we hope. How we were brought up, what our parents represented and did not, our faith, etc. I call that our foundation. If we for some reason did not have the greatest roll models as children we are left to fend for ourselves or Maybe we have another family member, friends parent that left an imprint. If not we are going off of what we know. If we dont know better we dont do better.

Driving myself crazy, but cracking up at the sametime. The online dating became entertainment, bored at home with so many options of sites to chose from. It sounds terrible typing that. Technology has taken getting to know someone to such an impersonal place. I actually had one guy tell me he did not have a bit of chivarly in his body. Dang. What has happened to us? Now not everyone is like that, but the pool is getting smaller. So I have come to the space that you really have to let go and let God. Dont settle for what your heart knows to be true. That feeling, that knowing, that spark, that comfort. I think I have felt it, but was not ready for it. Timing..So I stop looking.

HAHA, now I know some of you have some stories from dating! You should share them in the comment box. Funny ones, awesome ones, crazy ones. I would love to read them. You know my want for this blog is to share the things I have been through with very little fliter. Touch people, lift them up, remind them that we all go through somethuing but it does not define us. We are amazing in our own way.

I want to close with an experience and conversation with another client of mine, 16 years old. the convo was about body image and how hard it can be in high school with girls and looks. Man, I reminded her that the negative things that people say are only a reflection of how they are feeling about themselves, most of the time it has nothing to do with who they are aiming it at. No matter what we need to keep empowering each other with positive. Meet people where they are. My friend said that to me last nght. MEET PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE. think about it . No power struggle. Until tomoirrow. Much love.

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