No Expectations
What if we lived our life with no expectations? No expectations of anything or anyone. I believe we would be living in the moment of each experience.
We need to know our lane, that clear path. How to act, if you will. Society doesn’t encourage living in the moment. Everything is mapped out. Movies have a rhythm and presentations have a flow. I understand structure, but what about balance? What about embracing people right where they are?
There is freedom in sharing a love so free, with no expectations and no labels. There is only ease and passion. Normally I try to figure things out, we are human after all, but the energy within this connection will not allow me to. It is the craziest thing ever, yet it is the most peaceful existence.
There is freedom within peace. When we set expectations on people there is no room for freedom. There is a pressure to perform. It truly brings humans closer together. Expectations push us away.
I feel like a lot of us go through life like wounded animals. Peaking our heads out to make sure it is okay. Did I do that the right way? Did I say something wrong? Is that what they “expected?” It gives me anxiety typing it.
I will leave you with this. The next time you engage with someone, a lover, a friend, or family, just come to them with love. Ask them how their heart is, then listen. No expectations, only love.
Much love, ️ until next time.
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